Collaborative Divorce

Collaborative Divorce is a unique opportunity that that allows the parties to have more control over the way their divorce is handled. Through this process, each party has a trained collaborative lawyer for representation and to give each party legal advice and advocacy. However, the parties and their attorneys cooperate to reach resolutions. This may include outside resources, if needed, to resolve their issues. Those resources may include mental health professionals, financial planners and other professionals that can assist in the process. The process allows the parties resolve their case prior to court involvement and can give parties more control over the length of time required to reach an agreement. The parties may meet together with their attorneys one time or multiple times to come to an agreement. This process can give the parties a chance to try to come to resolution as a unit using a team approach. This does not mean there may not be disagreements and tough issues to resolve, however, this process allows the parties more influence on how these disputes are handled. If the parties are not able to resolve their case through the Collaborative process, neither party’s attorney may represent the parties in court action. Each party will be referred to a different attorney to assist them through trial.

Is Collaborative Law required?
No. Using a collaborative approach to handling a case is a voluntary process. Both parties must agree to use the process of collaboration.
How long does it take to finish a case using Collaborative Law?
There is no set time for how long the parties will collaborate. For some cases, it may decrease the amount of time to reach an agreement. In other cases, the parties may decide to take additional time to address all of the issues before the documents are filed with the court.
Is Collaborative Law more expensive than litigation?
Each case is unique. In some cases, the collaborative process may save the parties much of costs that may be used for trial. In other cases, the parties may choose to take more time and resources to address their issues.
Do parties meet separately or together?
Through the collaborative process, the parties may meet with their attorney’s separately in addition to meeting together. The parties and their attorney’s openly communicate each other and to the parties to try to reach a resolution for the parties.

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